

Joe wrote:
> Eleanor:  Do you remember one room schools?  I remember walking a mile
> each way to attend a one room school for eight years.  One teacher
> taught 40 students in 8 different grades. And, oh yes, no indoor plumbing!
> Joe.

Hi Joe and Eleanor and All,
I also remember one room schools... I grew up in rural Saskatchewan
in the '40's 'n 50's and went to a one room school with my brothers
and sisters and cousins... One year everyone in the school had the
same last name except for one girl... It was much like "Little House
on the Prairie".  No plumbin', no electricity, pot belly stove, coal
oil lamps, ponies, spelling bees, frost on the windows, outhouse at
30 below, rally outside to put up the flag, Union Jack in those days,
sing Oh Canada, the Lord's Prayer aloud to start the day inside, box
lunch, rally again to take the flag down and sing God Save the King,
and when it got cold we walked, (couldn't expect a pony to wait all
day in a draughty barn!) and when it got real cold my father would
harness a team, hook up a sleigh, and we'd bundle under buffalo robes...

I'm startin' to run off at the lip like a soup sandwich... sorry...

Cheers ............. murray

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