

Hi All,
Art Hirsch and his post "Allies" has inspired me to write an e-mail
to a bunch of people (a few are on this List) who may have the necessary
connections and pull to expand our efforts to lobby the Senate...

The text of the following message went to a "Distribution List" I
put together from my address book and from Parkinson Organization Websites.

------- Forwarded message follows -------

Subject: Federal Funding (US) for Stem Cell Research

My name is Murray Charters. I'm a Canadian who has Parkinson's.
I have no representitive in the US Congress and Senate but I am very
passionate about Federal Funding (US) for Stem Cell Research.

Arthur Hirsch in Texas has inspired me to write to you all.

My friends Ken A. and Perry C. once said....
Wouldn't it be great if there was a national "Parkinson's Convention"?
An event in which people with Parkinson's, their families, scientists,
neurologists, advocates and professionals from all the foundations could
get together and exchange ideas about living with PD and what should be
done to conquer it.

It's time there was... So, I have put together a "Distribution List"
to kick things off and you are all on it...

A "Distribution List" means you will receive Blind Carbon Copies
in which all other addressees are hidden but I can assure you all of
the "Parkinson" Associations are included.

Why now?  There is an issue of tremendous importance to us and to all
who would advocate for Federal Funding (US) for Stem Cell Research.

If you don't want to hear anymore, let me know, I'll take your name
off my preliminary list.

On the other hand if you know someone who would benefit and wishes to
be included in future posts, let me know that as well.

What is the issue re: Federal Funding (US) for Stem Cell Research?

In January 2000 Sen. Spector put a Bill in the Senate S.2015

In April and Sept. there were hearings (testimony) to advance or oppose
this bill.

Sept. 20th. Sen Brownback filed 23 amendments to this bill and it is
obvious he intends to block it in the Senate.

Now the 106th. Congress is drawing to a close and this vital bill
has not been debated nor voted upon and may be lost for another year
if we don't get together and contact everyone we can influence to support
this bill.

This would of course include anyone with Parkinson's but what about the
other diseases? What about Diabetes, Cancer, Heart, Spine, Muscle, etc.
If you know someone then pass on this info...

Time is running out.  We rallied on the PARKINSN LIST the last couple
of weeks, but I fear we are too small a group.

Please send any idea we can use to express a larger leverage...

Here is a message from a Stem Cell Advocate...
Forwarded Message From Sid Levin...

Senator Trent Lott (Rep-Miss) has promised Senator Arlen Spector (R-Penn)
that he will bring the stem cell issue up for vote within the month. Lott is
very much anti-stem cell research. His timing is such that methinks he wants
to rush thru a vote that would kill funding before he loses his probable
lead. Specifically he is against  the research using any form of stem cell
from the in-vitro fertilization program. This is the biggest source of
undifferentiated stem cells. This type of cell  shows the most flexibility
and the greatest life span. Adult stem cells appear to be more limited in
flexibility and have a shorter life span.

NIH has written a tough, but reasonable set of guidelines to prevent abuse of
stem cells obtained from in-vitro programs.

With less then one month left we need YOU to call your Congressman and both
Senators ASAP. You can follow that up with a letter and possibly an e-mail

But the clock is running out.

We particularly need volunteers to call in the Midwest where people like Mike
DeWine (R) and George Voinovich (R) are vacillating. Call them, write them,
electronic "massage" them, but do it NOW.

Wherever you live, HELP!

Sid Levin

End Forwarded Message

The Text of the Bill will follow....

Best regards ......... murray
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