

An Open Letter to all US Senators:

As a person with Parkinson's disease, and as a Canadian citizen,
and, indeed, as a global citizen, I have a vested interest in
the current Stem Cell legislation.

(viz: Bill S.2015 - the `Stem Cell Research Act of 2000'
for federally funded and NIH guideline-compliant research)

I watched the filing of this bi-partisan bill by Sen. Specter and Harkin.
I read the testimony by NIH, by the scientests, by the opponents, and by
Michael J. Fox.  I read the NIH Guidelines, listened to President
Clinton support this bill, and waited for you to act.

I feel strongly that this legislation must be moved forward as
a matter of the utmost priority, but since I have no elected
representative in the US Senate, I am hereby "adopting" all of
you as my representatives in this pivotal issue.

This legislation is vital to those afflicted with Parkinson's disease,
diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke, Lou Gehrig's Disease,
Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, spinal damage and more; not only in
terms of pain and suffering eased, but in also terms of health and
productivity re-gained.

Since this research has the potential to directly impact on
virtually every constituent, every family, in every county, in every state,
and in every country of the globe, it is far more significant than any
partisan or other political gamesmanship.

This legislation will allow your finest scientests access to stem cells
left over from in vitro fertilization clinics; clinics that have made it
possible to bring new life into the loving arms of childless couples.
These excess cells are discarded unless the couple approve of their use
in research.  This is a true pro life endeavor.

I fervently request that Majority Leader Trent Lott be urged
to bring this Bill forward NOW, and that you use all possible
means to ensure its timely passage, including invoking cloture
if necessary.

If there is one American who feels this research might help their
mother, grandfather, child etc. then it is time they called you.
It is time you considered the potential of this bill to serve the
people. Don't let the world down, time is running out for millions
of heart, cancer, stroke, and yes - Parkinson's victims,
just as surely as time is running out on the 106th Congress.
Murray Charters
Vancouver, B.C. Canada