

Sandy your kind words are much appreciated. Yes the sun is shining
and doggie and I both are enjoying this quite time.
Maybe I can explain some of the devotion
you mentioned pertaining to George and I.
When George and I met 20 yrs ago we
were both a little gun shy regarding
any commited relationships. Both swore
we would NEVER marry again. We found
that we truly had a lot in common, many differences also. Found that we
could talk about anything and really respect each others
matter how much we dissagreed.We cohosted dinner parties,
we spent most of our nonworking time
together.We finnally realized that in
our togetherness we complimented one
another. .We found in amazement that
we both really were terrific people made
even more so by our relationship.We
found a love that just evolved.from our
having no expectations or demands
on each other.It just happened. It took
us 4 years to decide that we actually wanted the ultimate. MARRIAGE! We
will celebrate our 15th wedding ann
next mo. For us,the second time around
is really heaven sent.
Just felt the need to share this bit of
stuff.Hugs Juanita CG for George 74/71