

Dear Listfriends,
A reminder from Alison and Fran Landes, who are working hard
to raise both awareness of PD, and funds for research in
South Florida -- you can help by contacting your local
media. See Alison's message below:
Tonight Thursday, 9/28, the CowParade New York 2000 Live
Auction begins and at 12:01 a.m. Friday 9/29, the auction
moves to the Internest
on .
The Chicago Cow Auction last year raised $110,000 for one
Fifty percent of the money bid on THE BOCA BOVINE will go
Parkinson's research and the remaining portion goes to other
designated charities.  It will also raise awareness
worldwide.  In Chicago last year, one cow raised
$110,000.  Oprah Winfrey bought 3 cows.

THE BOCA BOVINE, an entry on behalf of the Parkinson's
community, was at the Parkinson's Unity Walk this past
Sunday in Central Park. Help
spread the word by copying and pasting the MEDIA ALERT which
is on the web

CLICK on the hyperlink that says WANTED: ALL PEOPLE SEEKING
CURE FOR PARKINSON'S and copy and paste, and download to
e-mail, fax or
mail to your local newspaper. If you call your newspaper you
can ask the
assignment editor who specifically you should mail it to.
Your local paper may
print to news brief and possibly a photo which can be
downloaded from the

People can bid on THE BOCA BOVINE from October 5 to October
12.  The Internet auction is WORLDWIDE and is being widely
promoted by and the Cow Parade public relations agency.
There may be a generous
individual or corporation anywhere in the world who will
decide to bid on
this particular painted bovine.

Kathrynne Holden, MS, RD
Author: "Eat well, stay well with Parkinson's disease"
"Constipation and Parkinson's" --  audiocassette & guidebook
"Guidelines for Medical Nutrition Therapy for Parkinson's
     & Risk Assessment Tools
"Risk for malnutrition and bone fracture in Parkinson's
     J Nutr Elderly. V18:3;1999.