

Hey Audrey,
Yes he certainly was colorful.  :O)  There was a rather "interesting"
survey done a couple of years back by a Toronto newspaper (I think), that
showed that Canadian women found Trudeau to have much greater sex appeal
than Brian Mulroney.  Mulroney's wife was royally ticked and let everyone
know it.  I think it had to do with the fact that Trudeau had character and
charm, two areas where Mulroney was definitely lacking.  He will be missed.


audrey skrzyniarz wrote:

> Thank you Marjorie for this information. I just saw this on the news as
> I was reading your post. It is sad to know he is no longer there isnt
> it? What ever Canadian citizens thought of their former Prime Minister
> he certainly was colorful I think. May we all live long enough to find
> the cure and prevention for Parkinsons Disease so this will  be
> something that we only read about but no longer experience.
> * seattle* Audrey
> friend of pwp aussie John  49/42/38?