

Dear Linda and list members,

Linda, thank you kindly for the supportive words. Yes, we must keep on
fighting--let's all write and call on Monday and tell them it is
unacceptable to put it off saying, hopefully they will vote on it early next
year.  I believe they have killed it.  I don't trust that it will be voted
on next year, and there is too big a risk of Bush being elected.  It was
shabby political maneuvering at the expense of peoples lives.  I believe it
is critical that we make a big showing on this--stand up to
them--demonstrate publicly.  Why can't we gather even a small crowd
spontaneously and demonstrate in WDC.  I will if some of you will join me.
Our Canadian list members have been doing so much research and educating on
the United States legislative process, perhaps we should show them we are
willing to take our fight to the steps of Congress.  Congress is testing our
resolve, and I feel we should go to them and face off on this vital issue.
Let's not show passive defeat, why not rise up and fight!?

L'shanah tovah, Linda and others celebrating the Jewish New Year.  Let's
stand up for a cure.


Linda J Herman wrote:

> Dear Charlotte and list members,
>       What a powerful and moving letter. I cannot imagine how anyone
> could read it and not be affected. It is outrageous that a US Senator
> using tactics as Sen. Brownback has done,could block the research that
> could help and save the lives of countless people throughout the world.
>          I guess all we can do is keep on fighting -  and hope that
> eventually we will win -- at  leeast for our kids. We can fight with our
> votes -- many thanks to Phil TOmpkins -- for all the information on the
> Senate Candidates' stands on stem cell research - not easy to find. We
> can also hope that the research will advance in the rest of the world,
> wiith or without the US Senate's approval, although "with"  and with NIH
> funding would be so much better.
>        Today is Rosh Hashanah - the Jewish New Year, and as I have done
> for the last 5 new years  -- I add to my wishes of  L'shanah tovah  (a
> happy new year) -- May this be the year that Parkinson's is cured.
> Best,
> Linda