

At 08:41 AM 10/07/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>>Bob,  Can we at least agree that before 8 weeks gestation there is no
>>scientific evidence that a fetus/embryo is a human being.  You may believe
>>and act although that the zygote is a human but there is no scientific
>>evidence to support that notion and it is a matter of faith and/or
>>intuition to for you.
>Charles T. Meyer, M.D.
>Middleton, WI
>PD DX  12 years (at age 44)
>Age 56

Has anyone bothered to read the post I put on late (here anyway) last night?
The full text of his testimony is under the subject heading Testimony/Bill
If you won't believe this Doctors testimony then I don't think anything anyone
can say will make will make a difference.
just me,

Testimony of Richard O. Hynes, Ph.D.
President, American Society for Cell Biology
To the Labor, Health & Human Services and
Education Subcommittee
of the
Appropriations Committee
United States Senate
September 14, 2000

Mr. Chairman and members of the Subcommittee: I am Richard Hynes, Professor
of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where I am also an
investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Director of the
Center for Cancer Research. I am a member of the US National Academy of
Sciences and of the Institute of Medicine. I am here today as President of
the American Society for Cell Biology. The Society represents 10,000 basic
biomedical researchers, most of whom work in our Nation's leading research
universities and institutes. It is my great pleasure to appear before you
to explain why our organization feels that it is so important that the full
potential of human embryonic stem cell research be realized.