

I want to thank everyone for their kind emails and postings.  Just to let you know in the search info below my address is tpfrph @ not tphrph oor tpfrpf.  I appreciate the apologies from those who sent them.  I will remain on the listserv.  If anyone needs my help please email me,  I am a pharmacist and my wife is a nurse.I was diagnosed this February with a rapid progressive YOPD.  I run a website for my state's support group at  I'm also involved with several Parkinson Groups.  I've been known to be welcoming to anyone in need and continue to remain so as until this weekend I have been welcomed with open arms into the PD community. As you all know I'm on disability and have a wife and a daughter age 8 and son age 3.  I'm 37 years old and live in Connecticut.You can find me at several sites on the web including several Yahoo PD sites, Mass General Forum, Dumpster Gang, Egroups and a few more where I'm well known or the people are familiar with me.Please feel free to email me or post on the list but I will email you back personally unless I think everyone would benefit. "PD is not an excuse for ignorance"Again, I'm trying to email everyone over the next few days who supported me and everyone who offended of which the large majority of them have apologized.  The list is large and many tend to be many people who have cited they've been ignored or treated poorly in the past and don't post anymore.We as PD'ers have to unite if not for a cure than for support - there are weirdo's out there but I did not think my request odd and I have posted in the past. Treat others as you wish to be treated - one's email name does not reflect on one's personality nor does the initials after one's name.  I went to college for 6 years and have practiced for 15 years and am proud to have the title R.Ph. after my name.My anger comes from my basic belief that we should treat others as we wish to be treated.  I will be watching closely as to how people are being treated on this board.  We are all frustrated with this disease but it does not give as the right to be maliciously paranoid, mean or to post hurtful things.I am one of the lucky one's who rarely suffer from depression - I cried today after I read all the posts.I receive calls from recently diagnosed and newly diagnosed people every week (as well as emails and instant messages so other people are very aware of my presence) and the first thing I do is invite them to my house for dinner.  If we can help one person with PD we are doing good.  We are all upset about the goings on in Washington but my biggest concern is the moment - those whoe\ need help immediately - finding ways to pay for prescriptions, finding food money, finding a doctor, finding an answer about their health, medication or other issue.  That is the existing reality of our disease.  I go to bed every night in pain to get my 3 hours of sleep and wake up in pain and hoping one of my 6 meds work quick enough so that I can make my daughter's  lunch, walk her to the bus, or even pick up my 3 year old son who can't begin to comprehend why Daddy can't pick him up at the moment or why Daddy's hands wont allow him to play iwht Legos'Thank YouTim Foley--- Michel Margosis  wrote:> I love pudding of any proof between 11 and 120 proof> !> Thank you> MM> > janet paterson wrote:> > > At 08:58 2000/10/01 -0400, i wrote:> > >further "digging for pudding proof" alternatives:> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> > >search * in parkinsn where sender is> [log in to unmask]> >> > if one is 'feeling uneasy' about potential> trickery> > another simple search is by entering the email> "user name"> > (the part before the @ sign in the email address)> > (e.g. "tphrph" or "serenityplus" or "janet313")> at:> >  href="">> >> > the whole wwweb is watching!> >> > janet> >> > janet paterson> > 53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37> onset pd> > TEL: 613 256 8340 URL:>> > EMAIL: [log in to unmask] SMAIL: PO Box 171> Almonte Ontario K0A 1A0 Canada

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