

        First let me give you this URL.
Where I got this information, then let
me copy and paste what it says for those
who cannot access the net.

Stem Cell Research

Cutting-edge biomedical research has found that controlling the development
of primitive early embryonic cells holds exceptional promise for battling a
variety of diseases. These cells, called stem cells, are the most immature
of cells and can develop into any cell, including neurons, blood cells,
muscle cells, heart cells, and so on. In the laboratory, scientists have
been able to make embryonic stem cells mature into specific cells, a feat
that will aid in treating various diseases -- many of which have no cure.
But the issue has become an ethical firestorm, since research with the
cells requires using microscopic human embryos, mostly those left over in
fertility clinics. Should the federal government fund research on stem
cells that were discarded, even if it doesn't condone the destruction of
the embryos?

    The Candidates on Stem Cell Research

Pat   Buchanan
Reform Party Has not weighed in, but is likely to oppose federal funding,
given his strong anti-abortion stance.

George W. Bush
Republican Party Opposes federal funding, objecting to the destruction of
embryos involved.

Al Gore
Democratic Party Supports federal funding, as has the Clinton
administration. He believes the scientific promise merits cautious research.

Ralph Nader
Green Party Has not weighed in on the issue.

just me,