

Dear Jim,

         My MDS said that pwps with tremors were less likely to have dementia
later on.  I guess there's worse things than tremors.

At 01:51 PM 10/2/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>When I was diagnosed in May one of the first things I did was subscribe to
>this list. The purpose was to educate myself on the disease and learn how
>others cope with it.
>The list has more than met my highest expectations. One constant suggestion
>to new 'parkies' was to see a Movement Disorder Specialist. Well I took
>your advise and last week I had an appointment with a Dr. Timothy Counihan,
>in Rochester, NY USA.
>I was very pleased with the results, not because he found any great error
>in what my neuro was already telling, but for the most part because he
>confirmed what my neuro was telling me: I have a mild to moderate case of
>PD. He really can't predict what the future holds for me; the disease
>varies too much between individuals. His diagnostic procedure pretty  much
>matched my neuro's.
>On the other hand my neuro wasn't overjoyed with my decision to quit
>Sinemet until I really need it, but Dr. Counihan supported my decision. He
>will suggest that my neuro add an agonist(sp?).
>One interesting thing he said that his observation has been that those
>whose main symptom is tremors, the disease seems to be less aggressive. I
>do have many symptoms, but the hardest to deal with are tremors and lack of
>sleep. I would be interested in hearing what listmembers have to say about
>his comment.
>I can now go forward with full confidence that my neuro is doing well by
>me. But just in case I plan on a yearly visit the good doctor in Rochester;)
>Once again thanks to those on the list who make such an important
>contribution to those of us in need of information and support.
>Jim Dolan
>PS: Now please stop shooting at each other, or there won't be anyone left
>to help those in need.

I plan to live forever---so far so good.

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