

At 11:08 2000/10/03 -0700, cyber-dad-don wrote:
>this will be my last post to the list for a while.
>as i was informed i was paranoid and had nothing worth
>while to give...

my dear cyber dad

those words are a flat out lie
you know that in your heart
and so do i
and so does anyone who knows you in any way

the words cannot hurt you

the way you absorb them can
but you need not absorb them

you are kind, and sweet, and generous, and loving, and compassionate
and you also know that in your heart
and so do i
and so does anyone who knows you in any way

all of those qualities are in you
they are part of your character, your structure, the fabric of your life
nothing anyone says to the contrary can change those facts

you can use them to your advantage
when faced with deliberate unkindness

you can use them as a teflon coating
no negatives can stick to you in reality

don't let them stick to you in your thoughts either

instead try to draw on that compassion of yours
and see the fear and the hurt behind the cruelty in the words

we all act out our lives
with the language and the vocabulary
we have grown up with and know as our 'normal' world

be grateful that you are not caught in such shackles
like i am for me and for you


janet paterson
53 now / 44 dx cd / 43 onset cd / 41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
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