

I found this interesting bit of information in my daily morning reading of
the Congressional Record:

If it passed in this session of Congress, it should help Care Givers,
of which I am one, besides being a Parkie.

just me,

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OLDER AMERICANS ACT AMENDMENTS (Senate - October 03, 2000)
[Page: S9689]  GPO's PDF
Mr. BIDEN. Mr. President, I am pleased to be a cosponsor for the Older
Americans Act Amendments of 1999, which would authorize and expand the
programs first set up under the Older Americans Act of 1965.
The Older Americans Act authorizes a series of absolutely essential
services for our country's seniors. Among others, the Act provides
nutrition services, legal assistance, disease promotion, elder abuse
prevention, employment assistance, and numerous informational programs,
including the long-term care ombudsmen. There is hardly a senior in this
country that is not touched, directly or indirectly, by one or more of the
provisions of the Older Americans Act. These programs have become an
integral part of the infrastructure that helps keep our most experienced
citizens vital and constructive members of society.
I am particularly pleased that this bill includes a much-needed new
service, the National Family Caregivers Program. The major medical advances
of the past 50 years have led not only to an overall aging of the
population but also to an increasing proportion of the elderly who are
living with chronic diseases and disabilities. Many of these infirm elderly
are cared for at home, putting a severe financial and emotional strain on
family caregivers. This new program will provide such caregivers with a
panoply of assistive services, including provision of information,
assistance with access, counseling and training, respite care, and other
supplemental services (home care, personal care, adult day care).
It is absolutely essential to assist caregivers as much as possible in
order to allow our infirm seniors to maintain their autonomy and sense of
self-worth, to permit them to live in the company of their loved ones and
in the least restrictive environment compatible with their needs. This is
what our seniors fervently desire and it is the right thing to do; the
likelihood that such programs will save the government money in the long
run is an added bonus.
There is little time left in this session of Congress, and there are many
things that must be finished before adjournment. Yet as we struggle with
our workload, I hope we can take a few minutes to find a way to pass the
Older Americans Act Amendments this year, on behalf of all of our older
loved ones.

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