

TO:    Bill Olson
RE:    ""


How 'bout "answering the charges"?  Is this URL actually a front for a
biased, pro-life, Christian organization?  Are you trying to wrap yourselves
in a false mantle of objectivity...   or not?


PWP, New Jersey


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Olson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 1:17 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Stem Cell Research

Whether or not we approve of using cells that are no longer needed for
infertility treatments, we may soon see a sharp drop in the demand. Adult
stem cells, found in nerve tissue, umbilical cord blood, and bone
marrow,etc. provide a morally acceptable alternative that does not cause
harm to human beings.

Christopher Reeve testified to Congress that adult stem cells are no longer
able to develop into a wide variety of tissues, yet Reeve' s own foundation
did work proving the opposite which was submitted for publication on March
31, a month before the hearing.

For more details, please go to the web-site at

Cordially, Bill Olson