

Friends--- I just read the text of trudeau's son's eulogy at his father's
funeral--thanks Janet--and feel that the part quoted below speaks to our
current "debate" about stem cell research:

The son said in part:

"...But at eight, I was becoming politically aware. And I recognized one whom I
knew to be one of my father's chief rivals. Thinking of pleasing my father,
I told a joke about him -- a generic, silly little grade school thing.
My father looked at me sternly with that look I would learn to know so
well, and said: `Justin, Never attack the individual. We can be in total
disagreement with someone without denigrating them as a consequence.'

"Saying that, he stood up and took me by the hand and brought me over to
introduce me to this man. He was a nice man who was eating there with his
daughter, a nice-looking blond girl a little younger than I was.

"He spoke to me in a friendly manner for a bit and it was at that point that
I understood that having opinions that are different from those of another
does not preclude one being deserving of respect as an individual."

Just a "thought for the day"---

        Camilla Flintermann                                      Oxford,OH

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                        We agree to differ...
                                we resolve to love...
                                                   we  unite to serve.
                          ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***