

On 4 Oct 00, at 12:28, Charles T. Meyer, M.D. wrote:

> With all due respect IMHO your thinking is more "scary" than the
> procedure being discussed here.  Anything that could have helped that
> child short of
>  taking the life of a fully formed human being should have been tried.

Charlie and group,

I really don't want to start a flame war about this.  I am pro-life and I
believe that once conception has occurred, a human embryo/fetus is a
human being.  I believe that there are certain situations where it is
justified to take a human life (self-defense),; but to *create* a human
life for the sake of sacrificing it, to me, is asking for a Hitlerian
"slippery slope".  It is, to me, not unlike "growing" human babies so
that one could "harvest" organs for transplantation.

I do not object to stem cell research.  What I object to is the casual
"discarding" of human beings.  I do not oppose IVF, either, but the
practice of "discarding" the embryos bothers the h*ll out of me for
the reasons stated above.

My opinions are strongly held (Charlie, we have debated this before,
and I have not changed my mind).  Let's leave them that way.



Robert A. Fink, M. D., F.A.C.S.
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