

Margie Swindler wrote:

"The issue at hand is a simple one:  do we do potentially life-saving
research on excess embryos from in vitro programs, or do we
incinerate these embryos?   Any other "slippery slope" arguments
simply confuse the issue."

The topic is itself a "slippery slope."  It is hard to keep focused.  To
answer the question we may have to answer other questions first,
such as:

What is the nature and value of the left-over IVF pre-implementation
embryo, anyway?  Where does this value derive from?

How far do we need to go?  No more issues should be brought in
than are necessary.

And in the end it's not enough to discuss and answer all the
questions.  We need to take action, by writing letters to Congress
and to newspaper editors.

Phil Tompkins, who is looking for his tread boots.