

Jennifer -

There are many, many branches of Christianity which respect the Bible as the
basis of their faith, but don't believe it was meant to be taken literally.
In fact, there are fewer religions which believe in literal interpretation of
the Bible, than otherwise.  Therefore, I disagree with your opinion that if
you don't take the Bible literally, you base your life "on humans' opinions
and scientific findings alone."

 Remember, too, that the Bible which you read and interpret literally was
translated into English, and as translated doesn't necessarily say exactly
what the original writers meant to say.

I do respect your right to believe as you choose, but I don't believe it's
fair or accurate to put down other people's version of Christianity.  (And
don't forget there are many other non-Christian religions out there with
equally sincere beliefs).

 I don't base these ideas on my own opinion or other's opinion.  I feel that
 the Bible is God's Word given to us and I take it literally.  That is on
 which I base my beliefs.  So I would say that this God doesn't have to
 debate, because he gives us his word through the Bible.  If you believe it
 great, if you don't then you base your life on humans opinions and
 scientific findings alone.