

I tried to stay out of this, but I value my position too, and may have
something to say also inasmuch as I was to be a victim of the Nazis that
are mysteriously compared to some of today's policies.

"Fleming, Jennifer" wrote:

> Charlie,  stated - "In this multi cultural society how someone can
> presume to inflict their beliefs on others in the most personal of
> situations is beyond me."

         I concur totally and unanimously with this statement.

> Our laws here in America were based on morals which in turn was based
> on religious faith.

         The problem arises as to whose religious faith is the right
one;          is it Catholic, Protestant. Islamic, Jewish, Bhuddist,
etc. or          is your translated bible truer than my original one.
Likewise           each religion may have a distinctly different
definition as to          when life begins, with definitions coming way
before the advent          of modern scientific tools.

> If you don't base your laws this way, what do you base them on -
> someone's opinion of what is right or wrong or something more concrete?

         I do not know what this means, but the word 'concrete' is
         inappropriate in this discussion refering to abstract
ideas.            At this point in time, I firmly believe that Stem cell
research          is today's best hope for a cure and unfortunately, it
is          becoming too late for my wife who is dying from Parkinson,
         along with so many others who will be denied because of
         misguided concepts. Those who oppose Stem Cell Research are in
         fact anti life and should be so branded.

Michel Margosis
'Carpe Diem'