

i'm back

took a day trip to minneapolis to get some
encouragement and refocus my life

thanks margorie for your off list reality check

i'll try to clarify the following

"Marjorie L. Moorefield" wrote:

> Hi Bill,
> Ray was saying last evening ,about the prohibitive cost of such things,
> wasn't he?

it is expensive -- but, not prohibitive
a farm out this way could sell--
for what it would take to set up a lab

> At least I came away with the feeling that yes it was possible, but it
> cost so much to store ,and the cost of all the equipment needed would be
> prohibitive?
> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong ,and I'll dig it out of my other
> computer,
> and re-read what Ray  really said.

sorry if it was difficult to grasp
i should have greg sterling edit my messages,
--they would be crystal clear

> IMOHO, this whole S.2015 is just to give our researchers improved tools as
> it were,
> so they could proceed faster in their research ,without having to wait for stem
> cells to come in from another source, who is not dependent on Federal Funding.
> To me the analogy which comes to mind is its like asking someone to dig up
> the garden
> with a Tablespoon, they will get done, but what year?

researchers have been digging with tablespoons
for a long time already

stem cell potential has been recognised for a long time
reagan and bush had repressed stem cell research since the 80's
any researcher with cell lines from a questionable source
didn't dare thaw and grow cultures for fear of losing
not only their own funding...but, instututional funding from NIH

since the 80's
embroyonic cells were talked of as potential treatment
for various medical conditions
--just like we talk now
but, talk doesn't get the job done
or it would be done

i'll bet some labs will wait until after the elections
before initiating potentially politically controversial projects

it has been 20 years already
at this rate it could be another 20

i promised myself not to be negative
but, i can't put a spin on this,
i know from my own experience

positive spin

back in 1986 the human genome project
was also a dream
but, this year it was completed
it has had substantial government funding
this knowledge also contains the
for incredible use or misuse

antiquated ethical systems will have problems with this also

> just me,
> Marjorie

                    Ray Strand
...on the edge of the prairie abyss ......................
            48/47 dx/40 ?onset