


I wrote your wife to apologize for those who seemed to distrust who you
were and for my inaction in not saying that I had seen your posts once
or twice before. Even if I had not seen them, it is destructive to warn
when information on the list is no secret isnt it? I think that some of
the attackers (and maybe some who said nothing) have been so upset by
the recent inaction on the stem cell bill that they reacted first and
didnt take the time it takes to apply reason. Now we need to bind up the
wounds that some of us have, and think about future strategy. I for one
apologize for not sticking up for you and thinking that it had to be
some joke that I had missed. Unfortunately, it was no joke, but a
misjudgment on some of our parts. If there is anything that I can do to
make you feel welcome I will be happy to do it. In closing, I want to
thank you for sending the website that you belong to. It is so full of
love and caring it brought tears to my eyes as I read part of it. You
are to be congratulated for the effort that has been made to bring  many
young onset parkies together. Maybe some of this will rub off on those
on this list that are as you, and need to know that they are not alone,
but part of a larger community of young onset pwp.

Best to your wife and to you,

* seattle *   Audrey
friend of pwp  aussie John  49/42/38??

The inclusion of voice and or voice/script chat is a wonderful addition
to your chat rooms. I wondered why this wasnt available here ? I asked
but no one seemed to reply when I did.