

This article in the BBC may be of interest to some in the list ...  ;-)
              Thursday, 5 October, 2000, 11:11 GMT 12:11 UK
              Lovers risk dehydration

              Doctors recommend drinking water after sex
              Many British couples run out of steam after
              having sex because they fail to drink enough
              water, according to a study.

              Doctors say the finding could explain why
              many people develop headaches or become
              lethargic after intercourse.

              They have warned that couples who work up a
              sweat in bed risk dehydration unless they
              replenish their fluids.

              The findings contrast with results from France
              where people drink five times as much water
              and have more sex than their British

              The study found that just two out of five
              people drink water after sex.

              This is despite the fact
              that half an hour of
              making love can be as
              strenuous as a
              three-mile run or a good
              workout in the gym.

              In contrast, the survey,
              which was carried out
              on behalf of mineral water company Highland
              Spring, shows that nine out of 10 people drink
              water after running or going to the gym.

              Dr John Leiper, an expert in fluid balance and
              hydration at Aberdeen University, stressed the
              importance of drinking water after sex.

              He said many people were unaware that
              intercourse can be as dehydrating as other
              forms of exercise.

              "Sweating, flushing and panting are all signs
              that the heart rate is faster, meaning that the
              body is reacting in the same way to sex as it
              does to other cardiovascular exercises.

              "As we go about our daily activities we
              continually lose water, even when we are not
              visibly sweating, so when we take part in
              exercise or sexual activity this water loss
              increases and we need to replace it to prevent

Joao Paulo - Salvador,BA,Brazil
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