

Rather than late-term abortion, which almost never occurs,
 and is only a shabby, hot-button weapon aimed at Gore as in favor of it
when he isn't,
why not talk about something timely, like why did Senator Specter
 his own stem-cell research bill allowing federal funding to extract
stem cells
from remaining embryos donated by the couple after undergoing in vitro
The answer is simply, it's an election year. And Bush's party has been
shielding him
throughout his campaign on this issue, because he can't win on this
topic, since both parties
minus the far-right extremists are for it.  The Gore camp should have
turned around the debate
from late-term abortion and RU486, to forcing Bush to take a stand on
stem-cell research.

In the meantime, research goes on more slowly, and millions of
people, including very young children are wasting away waiting for a
to mend or save their lives, at a astronomical cost to the Nation.  We
all must wait because
of a handful of extremists, and a shallow candidate who can't stand up
to the debate.
Indeed, he wouldn't agree to a debate, until it was structured to give
the most comfort.  The debate was dummied down for Bush, and was a
waste of Jim Leher's time and great talent.

Charlotte Mancuso
668 Channing Ave
Palo Alto, CA 94301