

I have been taking Ultra Sound Treatments on my neck to
try to brake up the bone spurs there.

When I was first evaluated, I had 50º motion to my neck.
30º to the right, and only 20º to the left, which is where my
problem was.

After 4 treatments I have 40º to the left and only  10º to the
right.  It's a good thing I only have one treatment left to go
because I really believe if I had more I'd be able to turn my
head around backwards to the left and not at all to the right.

I'd rather be able to turn to the left than the right, but if I
had my "druthers" I'd rather be able to turn equally both

My question is, has anyone else had Ultra Sound to break up
bone spurs and what was your experience with it?

just me,
Crooked headed Marjorie