

When the meds wear off

First I feel uneasy
like a hurricane is brewing off the horizon
or that I know there is something wrong
that I can't put my finger on

then begins the game of Russian roulette
what body part is going to quit working this time?
Usually it's my right hand, which is the first betrayer,
curling up, and strumming my shoulder

but sometimes it's the right leg
foot curling up and in
legs bouncing around
like fish on dry land

I notice my right eye won't open
and my mouth doesn't work
mumbles come out instead of words
and saliva builds up,
to drool down my chin like I'm 1 or 100

as my body slowly freezes
my mind comes alive
screaming fight or flight warnings
to a body whose forgotten survival instincts
even older than consciousness

as the mind yammers and stammers its warning
the body goes quietly numb
and I silently wonder
how could I be so dumb

after two years of this shit
you would think I would learn
take your meds on time
or this is what you become

but when the meds are working
I feel so much like me
not this shaking drooling idiot
that's all the world can see

and when I take the meds
in 15 min, 30 tops
the mask that hides the real me
back in place does drop

but sometimes I sit and wonder
what part of my body has quit working
that the meds hide from me
and where will my mind go
when the meds can no longer set me free

bob armentrout copyright 2000
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