

Camilla Flintermann wrote:


"Hi Bob--glad the surgery went well. As for pain meds, you must know that
PWPs shouldn't have opiates.   Things like Percocet , which they gave
Peter, do contain opiates along with acetominaphen, I think, and it's not
obvious they are in there.  Be sure to check with her neuro if you have a
question re: this, as nursing staff and surgeons might not know----Peter's
surgeon begged off, saying, "I don't know about drugs---I'm a SURGEON!"
And of course Demerol isn't good, especially if she has been on Eldepryl
within the past few weeks."


Hi!  Why shouldn't PWPs have opiates?

Should they also not have acetomnaphen??

Why is Demerol not good?

Thanks!   Bill