

Bill  asked:
>Hi!  Why shouldn't PWPs have opiates?
>Should they also not have acetomnaphen??
>Why is Demerol not good?

You already have the info re: Demerol and the URL for the database, so I'll
comment re: opiates.  This is based on Peter's experience when hospitalized
for surgery.  Apparently opiates compete with the PD meds (Sinemet) for
dopamine receptors--keeping the meds from working.   before I realized that
Percocet contained one not mentioned on the label, P. became frozen and
really really OFF.  Giving him Sinemet restored his mobility.  The
acetaminophen is OK, I believe, as is ibuprofen.  Some drugs are
combinations and the labels may conceal the  components.   Do check that
database, it's very helpful.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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