

>    Hello List Family,   I have a friend with Pd that has  suffered with
>dyskinesias off and on since 8:00 am.  I just got off the  phone with
>her.  She has had only two non-dyskinetic hours  today.  Here are her
>stats...She has been diagnosed for 4 years,  symptomatic for 1 1/2 to 2
>yrs before dx.  She is on Sinemet CR 50/200 .  She takes 1/2 tablet to get
>her started in the morning.  The only other med  she is on is Requip.  She
>takes the sinemet morning and early  afternoon.  But today she has only
>had the morning 1/2 tablet...not sure  about how much requip she has
>had..maybe 2 doses..or 3.     My question is...Is it recommended  to cut a
>CR tablet in half? Would this not effect the time-release  capability of
>the CR?
 Can requip cause Dyskinesia?

You are right, that would destroy much of the CR function.  Actually there
is a 25/100 CR, so no need to cut it....I wonder why neuros don't prescribe
that one instead of saying to cut the larger one. I think Requip or any
agonist  adds to the effectiveness of the Sinemet, but as she is taking
such a small dosage apparently, and is only 4 yrs. post-diagnosis, it seems
odd that she would have such extreme med-induced dyskinesia.

>  I know that in  early-onset and early detection only agonists are used
>in order to maximize the  dopamine still being produced by the brain.  My
>heart is going out to my  friend.  I told her I would be posing this to
>the list..Any opinions,  suggestions and Rph input would be very much
>appreciated.     Sandy Norris 40/28/20
>"Faith is  the daring of the soul to go farther than it can  see."

i wonder if she has called her neuro? If not, wouldn't that be wise if this
is something unusual? It must be miserable!  I hope things settle down for
her very soon..

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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