

Shirley wrote:
>I suffered severe leg cramps which woke me several times during the night and
>left me exhausted in the morning. My doctor prescribed Quinine Sulfate.  I
>take one capsule at bedtime and no more leg cramps, unless I forget and
>stretch before I get out of bed in the morning!  I only take Sinemet so you
>should ask your doctor if quinine might interfere with any of your other meds.

The point about not stretching in bed is one I must also remember--I don't
have PD but do get those calf cramps.  Someone also mentioned pointing toes
up, flexing ankles, and when I get a cramp it really does help to do this,
while lying down, as an alternative to getting out of bed and standing up,
which can help too.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
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