

 hi Janine,

I am the *seattle* Audrey that told Bob how much I love his poetry and
humor. I told him that he was lucky to have someone as you in his life
and to be able to articulate and shares how he feels so well.  He told
me that you were to be married next year and it was obvious that you are
the center of his being. How lucky the two of you are to have each
other, so many are not as you seem to be ; soul mates. I would be happy
to be an onlist or off list friend to you.  I am most likely older than
you but hardly wiser I am sure. The story he sent to the list when he
went fishing with you and there were so many things happen among them
you getting wet, had to be the funniest that I have ever read. You
should have seen the tears rolling down my face.. probably my mascara
too :))) If you have time I will be glad to be a new list friend. I do
hope your surgery is sucessful.  I have had a few myself * sucessful
that is* :)) I have to insert some sense of humor however little I had
at the time Janine. I will be thinking of you today and tomorrow as you
recover. I hate to be a short term friend to you but I am going out of
country to visit Australia in one area for 32 days beginning Wednesday.
I will return on the 13 of November and resume our *budding I hope*
friendship. Meanwhile there are nice people on the list my best friend
being Barbara Knight. She is not shy but quiet as I found out when I met
her in SC in July.  She is terrific Janine, I really like her ! Talk
with you when I am here and you are in the same place in November if you
care to ...

Best to you and Bob ,

* seattle* Audrey

ps.  my pwp lives in Australia. He has been a close friend for 2 years
after meeting him one night in a Yahoo stock chat room. ( We had a
slight disagreement in chat about unions ) He told me within a short
time that he had PD, which I knew next to nothing about, but that night
began to read everything I could research on the world wide web trying
to find any help that he might not have.

What this did for me (besides information about a terrible condition)
was to meet a wonderfully funny guy, now a friend, and it gave me
something I didnt believe existed, a *soul mate *. I found out how
compassion differs from pity. The first time we spoke and he told me he
had pd to explain why his typing was so slow (one hand and not dominant)
in the Yahoo message window.  I said the usual *I am sorry* and he said,
*so am I*.  That sentence changed the direction my life was to take. I
soon realized that Parkinsons is what he has-- not who he is. He already
had this knowledge, but it took me awhile to realize how true it was. My
statement isnt that profound just my addmission of my ignorance of the
pain and isolation so many feel and are living in that I must have
missed before, but no longer do. I hope my story hasnt seemed to
personal too soon Janine, but I now know how short life is and to sieze
the moment is the most important thing I can do besides love my friends
and myself. * that last one is the most difficult* ..