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Jane brings up a valid point - for some, but not all of us.  Some people have
fewer problems with this disease while some have more.  But her comments do
not give us any information as to her age or how long she has been diagnosed.
 One of the most horrid things about Parkinson's is its unrelenting
progression and unpredictability.

In my case - age 52 with a diagnosis at age 32 - it has not been an easy
time.  I was very fortunate to be involved, as most of you know, in a highly
experimental procedure known as xenotransplantation.  Before that operation I
was quickly going downhill.

Unfortunately most fear of Parkinson's is warranted.  We just have to deal
with it the best way we can.  Support groups, friends, caregivers, and family
can all help but ultimately it must come from within.

Jim Finn