

Polly, My name is Linda from OK. About 10 years ago I went to my doctor
because of tremors in one hand. He said that it was probably cause I drank to
much coffee. After cutting down on the caffene, I new that this was not true.
I moved to Ok. then the new doctor at the tribal clinic, told me that it
looked to him that I may have pd. He sent me to a nuero. It was confirmed
that I had pd. I was so scared, cause I did not know what really was. My
nuero gave me a book to read on the subject. When I finished the book, I just
broke down and cried. I had to many questions and not enough answers. We are
all different in our feelings, I am still angry, hurt, and wonder why. My
life has changed so much, I am really luckly that I have a great husband, who
is there for me. He is with me 24 hours a day. Without him, I would be lost.
If I can help you with more details just let me know. Linda