

Howdy Folks
Thought I'd share this article from Discovery Health and the attached URL
for those of you (like me) who have trouble sleeping.  The URL has some good
Kelly in Calgary

Melatonin Resets The Clock
The hormone melatonin may be able to
help blind people keep their sleep cycles on track.  In a study
published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers
from Oregon Health Sciences University found that melatonin can
help blind people who suffer from insomnia and daytime sleepiness
to regulate their internal clocks.  Because they are unable to
distinguish periods of dark and light, completely blind people
often have "free-running" circadian rhythms (sleeping and waking
cycles), The Associated Press reports.  In the study, the
researchers looked at seven blind men and women whose circadian
rhythms were 24.2 to 24.9 hours, rather then the standard 24
hours.  The subjects were given either 10 mg of melatonin or a
placebo an hour before bedtime each night for three to nine
weeks.  Then, the groups were switched and the subjects who had
been getting melatonin were given a placebo and those taking a
placebo were given melatonin.  The researchers found that the
placebos had no effect on the subjects.  However, six of the
seven were able to "reset" their circadian rhythm to 24 hours
with the help of melatonin.  This benefit continued even when
their dose of the hormone was cut to 0.5 mg.  However, other
experts are skeptical of the results, saying that melatonin has
not proven very successful overall in regulating sleep disorder
patients' cycles, the AP says.

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