

I fell again!!!  I'm sore,  my
feelings are hurt, turning black and blue,
but nothing serious.

I have always fed the birds no matter
where we live.  They say you shouldn't
in Florida because, after all we are Semi-
Tropic, but I have always loved the sound
of Mourning Doves, so that is why I feed them.
They are ground feeders so we don't have any
hanging bird feeders.  I also feed the squirrels.

I know!!!  Everyone else in this world tries to
keep from feeding the squirrels, but I've always
fed both.  Well, we have had 3 Male Blue Jays
around here for at least 3 years, they must
be "Stag" Blue Jays because I never see any
females or any baby birds with them.
But those 3 Male Blue Jays are keeping my
squirrels from eating!!!

I don't put out any peanuts in the shells till
I spot the squirrels, but so help me I think
those 3 Blue Jays have radar.  I also think
they must be running a bar, complete with
drinks and my peanuts someplace.

  They can be in, grab all those peanuts ,
  then are back wanting more, before I can
turn around! Zoom!! Like John Wayne
in the Flying Tigers, you are standing there
wondering what it was you saw.
They can't possibly eat them that quickly!!

Well, tonight I made up my mind to stay
close and keep the Blue Jays away from the
peanuts so the baby squirrels could at least
have a few. However, when the Blue Jays
came in,  and I headed out to stop them ,
my crutch caught in a vine and down I went.

Those Blue Jays are not gentlemen either,
they just grabbed the peanuts and flew , didn't
even bother to look to see if I was hurt.
At least the baby squirrels sat and watched me
get up, limp back inside and get somemore peanuts.

Have you ever tried to buy a BIRD proof squirrel feeder??
There are SQUIRREL proof bird feeder galore, but not the reverse.
If anyone knows where I can get one, please email me while
I sit here with a frozen rice bag on my knee.

just me,