

Marjorie - I'm so sorry about you falling.  I don't even have what you
have, but I have a bad knee and I fall often because it just won't pick
up my foot.    Please take care of yourself, we need you.  (Does that
sound selfish?)  I have a bird feeder and I buy chicken scratch for them.
 I also have a squirrel feeder and buy sunflower seeds for them.  I built
a sort of ladder for them and they are so cute going up and down the
ladder.  I have three trees in my back yard.  (my yard is 60 by 190).
One day a squirrel was in the bird feeder and I went
out and said out with you. and pointed toward their own feeder.  Well,
this baby squirrel  ran from one pecan tree and jumped on the limb of the
other one and fell about 12 feet to the ground.  He got up and shook
himself and looked at me as if to say, "what the heck did you do?"  I
have cardinals, blue jays and woodpeckers.  In fact, I  have one
woodpecker that goes next door to my neighbor's carport cover and pecks
on the metal.  I guess he's sharpening his beak - but what a sound.  It's
kinda fun, isn't it?  Take care we love you. Jo Ann