

Lately my inner tremors leave me with a kind of "motion sickness".  Not so
much nausea, but more like a "disoriented" or "vertigo" kind of feeling.  I
have read most of what is in the archives about inner tremors, but have not
found much in the way of testimony of those who experiance inner tremors as
a bad thing.

For those who experiance inner tremors as a bad thing:

Q? 1-  Could you please describe to me what is "bad" in the way you
experiance inner tremors?

Q? 2-  Has Ldopa, or agonists much effect on inner tremors?  (I'm not on any
PD drugs)

Q? 3-  Have any of you had possitive results from the anti depressant drug
"remeron" (spelling) and reduced tremors?

Thank you,

David Meigs
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