

Hello Everyone:

        I was just diagnosed with PD 2 weeks ago and am a 54 year-old woman
working in a law firm.  The shock of this diagnosis is just now wearing off
and I am looking for advice, doing research on the internet in hopes of
finding a strategy that works for me.  The symptoms that sent me to a
neurologist were a very obvious tremor in my right arm, fatigue, some muscle
tiredness and inner tremors.

        I lean towards alternative healing theories and methods and have
discovered a neurologist, Dr. Perlmutter in Naples, Florida who is doing
glutathione injections on PD patients with positive results.  Has anyone
heard of him or know anything about him?  Bernie Siegel, the alternative
medicine guru highly recommends him.

        On the subject of antihistimines, I found that taking Benadryl for
occasional insomnia, drastically reduced my tremors the next day for maybe 6

        I look forward to any feedback.
