

Thanks Marjorie for your gentle and kind reply..

"Marjorie L. Moorefield" wrote:

>  From what I'm reading by searching with Copernic 2000,
> it seems that some states get it legal for Medicinal purposes,
> only to have Federal DEA shut it down.
> All I ever see is when it first comes out in the Newspaper
> as legal, because I don't even smoke cigarettes, let alone
> anything else!!  So therefore I have no idea if and when
> it becomes illegal.
> Joao,
> If you'd like more URL's and you can't find them down there,
> please contact me off line and I'll provide more.
> We don't want to start a flame war over the legality of Marijuana
> now do we?

PS : talking about war, I believe that as much the USA lost the "war"
cruzade against alcohol then historically it shall loose to the
Marijuana one also .... (please take notice, I also do not drink
alcoholic beverages  nor smoke even cigarettes like you....)    ;-)

Joao Paulo - Salvador,BA,Brazil
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