

Hi Wayne-- I don't want to get into a discussion about carb-protein diets
in general---only to point out that PWPs have a rather special situation
because the protein can block their meds from reaching the dopamine
receptors in the small intestine and the brain
In her book, "Eat Well, Stay Well with Parkinsons Disease, Kathrynne
Holden, our nutrition expert, discusses this at length.  She states on page
"The 7:1 meal plan seems to work well for about 2/3 of people who try it.
It allows small amounts of protein through the day, and a more natural
menu. The 7:1 plan should be discussed with your physician first. Some
people find it so successful that they may need less levodopa."  She also
discusses loading high protein foods to the evening meal, and explains the
mechanism by which levodopa[a reaches the brain and can be blocked by 6
amino acids which use the same carrier system as dopamine to cross the
blood -brain barrier.
I encourage all PWPs to check out her excellent book, which is available
for purchase  from  her (email: [log in to unmask] ) OR in abbreviated
form FREE from the National Parkinson Foundation  1-(800) 327-4545.   She
is a specialist in nutrition for PWPs and a wonderful resource on this
list. Check it out!

>I am usually just a lurker, but I was reading in here about this high
>carbohydrate type of diet and just had to write concerning things I have
>been reading lately on diet types.
>I think a high carb diet is definitely the wrong way to go.  I have been
>reading books advocating a low carb / adequate protein type of diet.  Most
>people think these are high protein diets, and of course that can cause
>problems too.  But these are not advocating high protein, just adequate
>protein.  The main emphasis is on eating less carbs.  These books are along
>the lines of the Atkins diet, and I have that book too, but have not read it

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55
Oxford, Ohio
            <[log in to unmask]>

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