

I'm back to seeing things in Black and White again.
No color all last evening nor today, but this evening
the color is coming back.
I had this problem after my colon ruptured and I was under
  so long during surgery. I didn't see any colors for
several months after that surgery.
  But I haven't had surgery and
I haven't been sick.  Well, if you can call having PD NOT being

Last evening I looked out in our backyard ,and we have it well with lights
on a timer ,with lots of plants, a shade garden, and a lot of orchids
and staghorn ferns in trees. One of the lights is a mercury light,
and the rest are those Phillips yellow light bulbs, The ones which
cost $15.95 each and are guaranteed for 5 years.
Only they weren't yellow, they were white. I became concerned
that someone had come in and switched my light bulbs. Eventhough
we have a locked fence, someone did get in and take my Christmas
lights 2 years ago, only they just took them, they didn't bother to

This morning, of course, I had to go look. The yellow bulbs were
in the holders.
Also, when I was reading one of my quilt magazines during the night
all of the quilts were drab, only a study in contrast, but no bright
shades of color.

Late this afternoon the color started coming back, its not exactly right,
but at least the bug lights are yellow again.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them or is my picture tube burning out?

just me,