

At 05:57 PM 10/27/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>Bill you wrote in part:
>         All  of my tremors tend to get worse after any kind of stress:
>      physical (like working around the yard), emotional (like  getting
>      into  an  argument),  and  even mental (like trying to solve some
>      computer programming problem). But,  these  leg  tremors  started
>      worrying  me  because  --  at rare times -- I feel almost like my
>      legs won't support my weight.  And, I stand a  lot  in  the  work
>      that I do.

Hi Bill,
Have you checked into DBS?  I'm wondering if that would help you
eliminate those horrid leg tremors?


Daylight savings time is saved all Winter and spent all Summer.
I think they keep in those obsolete missile silos out in the Mid-West,
just to make us poor taxpayers feel they weren't built for nothing!!
Love to you,
just me,

>   ...who asks: Daylight savings time: Why is it saved & where do they
> keep it?
>                                                       (42)     __,