

Doctors get X-rays on the web

Monday, 16 October, 2000, 11:26 GMT 12:26 UK - A leading British hospital
has introduced internet technology that could revolutionise the way
patients are diagnosed and treated.

The system installed by Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital in London will enable
doctors to view X-rays and scans on the web.

Ultimately, it should mean that in an emergency on-call consultants will be
able to view images using their laptops or personal computers.

This will enable them to give an instant diagnosis without the need to
travel in to the hospital. It will also allow doctors to seek the opinions
of other experts around the world.

The system can also be used to make images and medical reports available to
GPs and referring clinics. It should cut the time between initial
examination and diagnosis, reducing waiting times before treatment.

And it is also intended to make the process more efficient and less
stressful for clinicians and patients.

To ensure the system, which has been developed by Kodak, remains secure,
doctors will only be able to access it by giving a password.

Dr Lesley MacDonald, the hospital's clinical director of radiology, told
the BBC: "Digital picture archiving is already common practice, but you
need to look at it on a work station which is expensive.

"The idea of this web-enabled software is to send the images through
ordinary PCs and laptops.

"We are really surprised at how keen some of the clinicians are to use this."

Leonie Paskin, manager of Radiology Services at Guy's and St Thomas'
Hospital, said the simultaneous availability of images in multiple
locations would vastly improve efficiency and workflow.

"Electronic retrieval of medical images will lead to a much more
streamlined system than is currently the case with conventional hard-copy

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Internet links:
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Hospital Trust

BBC News Online: Health

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