

>    Dear List Family,   I have never failed to let you guys  know when I
>need prayers and positive thoughts.  A phone call from Mom woke  me this
>morning.  My father took an ambulance ride at 3:00 am this  morning.  It
>is suspected that Daddy has had another heart attack.  It  has not even
>been a year since his open-heart surgery.  I pray that i can  be of
>support to my parents.  Pray for some much needed symptom-free  days
>ahead.  Much love and hope.....   Sandy Norris 40/28/20
>"Faith is  the daring of the soul to go farther than it can  see."

Dear Sandy-- I expect you will "rise to the occasion" as PWPs often do in a
crisis, and deal with the stress afterwards--in any case, just knowing
you're "with them" will help your parents--and I will "hold you in the
Light", as we Quakers say.  Please let us know how it goes for him.

Peace and Love, Camilla
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