

This morning the two squirrels found their feeder,
in the quiet of the early light, at dawn.
The Carpetbagger was allowed to descend first, and
without hesitation ,opened the hinged lid and helped
herself to a peanut.  When the Native climbed down
to join her, she jumped atop the hinged lid and
he was unable to eat until she was
ready for another forage at the feeder.
Nature is indeed cruel, she was never seen
at the feeder again.
          True love vanquished over a peanut!

Later in the day, the Native was enjoying himself
at the feeder, he was holding up the lid
with one hand ,and stuffing his face with the other,
when one of the Blue Jays decided to join him.
That Blue Jay will probably have a knot on his head
for a week from having the hinged lid dropped on it!
         Mother Nature is a cruel teacher!

The male Cardinal has decided to join the other birds
at feeding time, he has finally realized that he who eats
last, eats least!

Now the birds are all quiet, the Native was last
seen running across the power lines, heading for
home before dusk.

The Dachshund , tiring of chasing Camelions,
has run around in circles and  fixed himself a nest in
the grass. He flops down in the last remaining sliver of sunshine,
  just before the timer turns on the yard lights for the night.

This day marks the end of Daylight Savings Time for another year,
and the end of a perfect day.

I hope you had such a peaceful, wonderful day too.

just me,