

I have not written for a few days regarding Georges staus. So here it
is! He has finished the third round of antibiotics,we're hoping the
staph infection is finally gone.
He had his arteriogram yesterday. There is indeed 95-99% blockage in his
left carotid artery. He is schedualed for surgery on
Tues 31st. Yeh on Halloween. Prognosis is good. We are ,of course, just
a wee bit
concerned. George says " they will either
fix me or they won''t " Now all we have to do is get thru the next 3
days with out
too much stress.The hardest part for him is the fact that he is so weak.
Over the last mo he has not been able to get in his excercise because of
the cellulitis in his leg. He's had to keep it elevated most of the
So my dear friends please include us in your prayers.Hoping that my geat
guy can get through this with great success and
begin to feel better. I know that all of you know what it is like to
watch and only want to make it all better.
Hugs and prayers for all of us. We all need lots of same.
Juanita CG for George 74/71/64