

Dear Debbie,
I had this email finished and ready to send and it disappeared!! I don't
think you received it so I will start over.

I have a support group that covers a large area of Southern Oregon and we
have had some wonderful speakers.  Katherynne Holden, nutritionist, Bill Bell
Northwest Parkinson's Foundation, Vickie Larkin informational specialist
Oregon Health Science University and more. We have had podiatrist, a nurse
spoke on constipation one of our best attended meetings, the hospital
librarian did a great program, coaches and athletic directors make great
inspirational speakers on and on.....

You might go through the yellow pages for ideas, lawyers, Doctors, hospital
personnel, National Parkinson Foundation, and APDA have ideas, our next
meeting is about our member's hobbies, and the effects Parkinson's has had on
I am saving my trunk of clippings, books and articles about PD for a special

You might try a catered meeting, or a meeting at a restaurant, or pot luck
everyone loves to eat.

Let me know any other ideas you may get I could always use them.

Oh I almost forgot, I like to speak at support groups about "coping for 22
years"  or "giving 12 days to NIH Research" or "My story about DBS"
