

An idea or two for you 'bout on-line art auction?  Other PD artists could be encouraged to contribute photos of individual pieces to a web-site set up specifically for raising funds.  These funds could be used to improve the living conditions of Ivan...and many more who require substantial help on a daily basis.  You might consider contacting all of the interested foundations concerning help in creating a PD art auction web-site....On the personal side....I used to paint wildlife and do sculpture work in the same theme...When my hand tremors began to interfere with that, I stopped.  Sinimet has given me back what Eric has least for was your Poem about Eric that motivated me to consider painting again...I would be happy to contribute to any art sale you may create...Your art and your disease are independant of each had the "gift" long before the disease and now during it...It is the candle that lights your life and illuminates the lives of those around you.  Call attention to your gift...regardless of your physical comes from your spirit, not your body....I once heard a saying that has stuck with me over the years...."We are not humans having a spiritual experience, we are spirits having a human experience."  You have a beautiful spirit Lisa...nothing else matters..       Hope to hear back soon....look out..Parkie with a paint brush  has just found reason to paint again!!!!!   Thankyou are truly an inspiration...thoughts are with you..and my first new painting will be dedicated to you and Eric.....Judith