

... and dont forget porky porkinson the parkinson  pig 
and his sister porquetta, the pig with a political agenda - 
they raised over $700 just for starters, 
and now porky junior has taken over - 
all this to be matched  dollar for dollar by the alliance

but porquetta - always the political animal , 
even though she has officially retired from collections, 
has been whispering in my ear.
 She says  that with michael j fox in the business now
( she wont let us forget that she met him in june at the forum)
 and the increased government interest in funding research -
 well miss porquetta feels that maybe, just maybe, 
some of the alliance's money should be directed 
towards helping individual pwp's in need. 
perhaps a fund could be established to set up housing 
for yoppers and other single pwps 
who have no particular ;place to go 
or person to care for them?

she would like to know what people think of this idea?
given sufficient response ,
 she, porquetta porkinson, 
the pig with a political agenda , 
would personally present it to the alliance.

hilary blue 
porky and porquetta, 
and porky junior - 
also gordy,
 and peter paul and perry - 
the blue pigs)

> >
> >
> > The Princeton, NJ-based Parkinson Alliance is a national non-profit
> > organization dedicated to raising funds to help finance the most
> > promising research to find the cause and cure for Parkinsonís
> > disease. Our ultimate goal is to help find a cure for this progressive,
> > debilitating neurological disease in five years.
> >
> > Through our numerous partnerships and matching fund affiliations
> > within the Parkinsonís community, we can guarantee that for every
> > dollar donated to The Parkinson Alliance, two dollars will go directly
> > to the most scientifically validated Parkinsonís disease research.