

Dear Friends---originally I suggested that contributions be sent in October. However, as I have heard from several who plan to contribute later, I will be glad to continue the offer for another month. The present total is $580.00, which pleases me very much ! Also, a reminder that Bob Armentrout will also send you a "bonus" of 10 PD poems of his---please indicate if you want them by email _____and give your email address: __________________ Here again are the details--- Everyone who makes a contribution {of $10.00 or more} to one of these PD groups through my mailbox will receive a FREE booklet containing 13 of my PD poems. >All you need to do is mail me this form with your check, and I'll forward your contribution to the group you choose, and mail you a copy of "The Journey Known & other Parkinson Poems" --- think about it: even if you hate poetry, you're still helping the cause of PD research! What have you got to lose? NAME: ________________________________________________ POSTAL ADDRESS:________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $_______ { check payable to the group you choose} DESIGNATED FOR : _____The American Parkinson Disease Association or_____The National Parkinson Foundation or_____The Parkinson Alliance ( for seed money grants--will be doubled ! ) Mail to: Camilla H. Flintermann, 114 Creekside Lane, Oxford, OH 45056 PLEASE SEND YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS BY THE END OF NOVEMBER if possible Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55 Oxford, Ohio <<[log in to unmask]> on PDWebring at "Ask me about the CARE list for Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! " And visit the CARE webring at > Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter 82/70/55 Oxford, Ohio <<[log in to unmask]> on PDWebring at "Ask me about the CARE list for Caregivers of Parkinsonians ! " And visit the CARE webring at