

At 06:33 2000/10/30 -0500, linda wrote, in part:
>Thanks for doing all this research . You are correct - there are
>currently 11 Udall  Parkinson's Research Centers funded by the NIH. Carol
>Walton, of the Parkinson's Alliance verified this just yesterday .
>The Udall Act originally called for 10 centers, but fudning was made
>available for one more. The history of how this funding came about, and
>how advocacy by a united  Parkinson's Community got us to the point we
>are at today, is really ffascinating and
>inspiring --someeone should write a book...

hi linda

hot on the heels of my post about searching the archives:

the history of the growth and development of the pd advocacy phenomenon
is in the archives, from day one, viz:
The Parkinson Alliance
Jim Cordy
Joan Samuelson

if yer talkin bout grass roots, we is it

jannie magnolia

janet paterson, an akinetic rigid subtype parkie
53 now /44 dx cd / 43 onset cd /41 dx pd / 37 onset pd
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